Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick

The Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB) is the political representation structure of the Acadians of New Brunswick. It is dedicated to the defence and promotion of the rights and interests of the Acadian community of the province.

The SANB is focused on openness and inclusion of the various components of the community. She encompasses provincial French-speaking Acadian individuals and associations. In its representation and operational structures, the SANB seeks to maintain equilibrium between the associations and the individuals.

The SANB works at the provincial and local levels. She ensures that the rights of the Acadians of New Brunswick are respected, towards the development of the Acadian regions and the recognition of the Acadian specificity.

The participation and mobilization of the citizens are also at the heart of the SANB. Those concepts are designed to place the citizens in the center of the action by providing access to venues where they can express their needs, preoccupations, interests and values. They also offer the possibility of participating in the implementation of the development of Acadia of New Brunswick.

The recognition of a distinct Acadian society, the retention and creation of homogeneous and parallel French institutions, the affirmation of French in the face of ever increasing assimilation and the safeguard of rights in a context of government restructuring represent only a fraction of the actions initiated by the SANB. The language dossier, especially in the health sector and linguistic duality at the postsecondary level, the right to work in one or the other of the official languages for the public sector, the development of French in the public and regional development areas are at the center of the preoccupations of the organization. In regards to her openness, she capitalizes on the new arrivals dossier and in her willingness to include a greater number of youths and women within the organization.

With more than 20,000 members, the SANB is a member of the Société nationale de l'Acadie (SNA) et de la Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA du Canada) in order to assure the development of the Acadia of New Brunswick.

Consult the SANB's website

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